Viggo Boats C11 Cruiser – an energy-efficient boat with an innovative lightweight aluminium design

Viggo Boats has become known for building efficient, high-performance boats in fully welded aluminium. This model is no exception, but here the designer Håkan Pettersson has focused on developing a boat that will be very efficient at a lower speed range. The hull concept is significantly different from the high-speed boats that Viggo is known for. However, there is no doubt that this is a Viggo; the lines and deck layout are recognizable from the rest of the model range. To save weight, innovative construction methods are used, and several different energy-efficient drivelines will be offered to minimise energy consumption. Aluminium is advantageous from a life cycle perspective. The aluminium boat will last a long time, the driveline is a modular system to be adaptable for future propulsion technology.

Sea trials is expected to start in July 2024.

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