Mercury VesselView
Mercury’s new VesselView 403 provides an all-in-one digital interface for all compatible Mercury/Marina products. Notably it also integrates an Active Trim interface, so that a separate Active Trim dash pad is not required if you have VesselView. It incorporates Wi-Fi support/connection through a USB port that is included with the unit. The new VesselView 403 display is compatible with all of Mercury’s various SmartCraft-capable engines and can display up to two engines’ data simultaneously.
The new technology incorporates all the Simrad accessories for the GO9 product line, including radar, sonar transducers, fish finder transducers, AIS, VHF, Sonic Hub/Fusion Link/SiriusXM, C-Zone/Naviop, digital switching and more. VesselView technology supports 16 languages and multiple unit conversions, and with VesselView Link, boaters have the ability to fully integrate the propulsion system and make their display multifunctional (included in the kit). In addition, VesselView provides a descriptive fault text display as well as up-to-date information for over 30 engine parameters, including fuel level and range, oil temperature and pressure, battery voltage, water depth, AC generator and more.


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