Welcome to the episode 7 of The Boating News Show, brought to you every week by Powerboat & RIB Magazine.
Coming up, we look at this week’s news from the world of boating; we have yet another give away prize & announce the winners of those three weather handbooks to give away from last week; we check out the latest craft from Zodiac; we see a major big outboard brand stop production for 2021; and we catch up with MDL Marina’s Tim Mayer to see what the state of play is for lockdown and access to the water.
Links for this episode:
Zodiac Marine: https://www.zodiac-nautic.com/en/
Volva Penta: https://www.volvopenta.com/
Lux Sim 24: https://www.facebook.com/luxsim24/
MDL Guidance:https://www.mdlmarinas.co.uk/news/updates-on-covid-19-2/
RYA Guidance: https://www.rya.org.uk/training-support/Pages/coronavirus_guidance.aspx
British Marine Guidance: https://britishmarine.co.uk/Services/Representation-and-Promotion/Industry-Campaigns/Coronavirus
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The Boating News Show is brought to you in partnership with MDL Marinas. When it comes to successful marina operations, MDL offers incredible experience or great expertise. Established in 1973, they are now the UK’s leading marina and water-based leisure provider and one of Europe’s largest marina groups, currently operating 20 major marinas and boatyards which are home to over 7,000 berths. They have also added two idyllic holiday parks to their collection, providing the perfect getaway by the water. Find out more at www.mdlmarinas.co.uk