The Department for Transport (DfT) has published a Call for Evidence to explore emissions from all engines on vessels operating domestically within the UK, including inland waterways.
The government’s Clean Air Strategy sets out the need to reduce emissions from all sources to improve air quality, including emissions from vessels. As part of this vitally important area of work, the DfT is seeking to collect a body of evidence that will allow the government to understand more clearly the extent of emissions from vessels that do not currently fall within the scope of environmental regulations, and establish if it can do more to address emission issues.
The RYA has been involved, along with other stakeholders, in working with the DfT official managing the Call for Evidence on Domestic Shipping Air Pollution.
As well as submitting its own response, the RYA is encouraging its members to respond to the Call for Evidence as an opportunity to influence future policy development by helping the government to gather the specialist knowledge and information held within the recreational boating sector.
The consultation closes at 11:45pm on 11th January 2020. Respondents are required to complete a response form and either email their response to or write to:
Domestic Shipping ‒ Call for Evidence
Maritime Environment and Financial Incentives
Zone 2/31
Department for Transport
Great Minster House