A wrongful death lawsuit just filed in the US, has brought to the fore, “the careless, reckless, grossly negligent and outrageous conduct” of an Atlantic City man, which resulted in the killing of an innocent woman last summer. Norma Michaels, 79, suffered fatal injuries when Jeffrey Jastrzembski’s boat propeller struck her while she was swimming with another woman off Albany Avenue. Jastrzembski, 53, is criminally charged with aggravated manslaughter in Michaels’ death. He was indicted and now faces a civil suit.

As stated in the case, the well-known Philadelphia-based Marketing Director’s life, “was senselessly snuffed out when a speeding 20-foot open sports boat operated by an impaired and intoxicated. The defendant, Jastrzembski, ran her over while she was swimming within yards of her home’s dock in the Intracoastal Waterway of Atlantic City. In the moments prior to running her over, the defendant, Jastrzembski, sped the craft directly toward Norma as she was swimming in the water, before making a late, aggressive portside turn, causing the boat’s outboard propeller which struck Norma, delivering fatal injuries to her head, neck, torso, arms, and legs.” Witnesses at the nearby Wonder Bar confirmed the events independently, plus, the crash was captured by the bar’s surveillance camera.

According to information released at his detention hearing, Jastzembski’s blood-alcohol content was measured at 195, nearly 2½ times the US legal limit. Noteworthy too is the fact Jastzembski was listed as the registered agent for, All Marine Center of Atlantic City LLC, at the time of the crash. A company which runs a boat storage facility and marine repair shop.

However, the result of the case culminated in Jastzembski being released from jail after that hearing, with the judge agreeing with the defence that the defendant’s lack of criminal history made release with conditions possible. Nevertheless, attorney Robert Mongeluzzi, a man who has represented numerous victims of maritime negligence nationwide, stated, “The grieving daughters of Norma Michaels have brought this lawsuit to obtain justice for Norma, to hold accountable the defendant, Jeffrey Jastrzembski, who has been indicted for his reckless operation of a boat while intoxicated and to promote public awareness of the lethal danger of drinking and boating.”

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