Boat and yacht manufacturers Gulf Craft have confirmed their commitment to conserving the ocean through their support for the Water Revolution Foundation’s Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) programme.

The IMMAs programme is the Foundation’s first endorsed ocean conservation project that aims to restore the balance of life in the ocean by identifying the most important habitats for marine mammals and prioritising them for positive conservation actions.

Gulf Craft Chairman Mohammed Hussein Alshaali said: ‘Conserving the marine environment is the responsibility of every stakeholder, and we are strongly committed to initiatives that will help protect the habitats for marine mammals. This is a contribution to the future of the marine environment and reflects our social responsibility. The joy of exploring the high seas is to take delight in the exotic sightings of marine mammals, and protecting their habitats must be given top priority.’ 

Gulf Craft have also participated in various sustainability initiatives across the United Arab Emirates, including desert, beach and mangrove clean-ups.



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