Humber were one of the very first companies in the world to manufacture rigid inflatable boats and sell these craft into both the leisure and professional markets here in the UK. Their genesis was forged some 50 years ago and has inspired and influenced some of the most respected brands in the industry over this period. Humber’s original deep-vee 4x4s of the sea have acquired many accolades over the years, but now the company, under the design leadership of co-owner Andy Roffee, is about to champion a brand-new class of vessel that promises to take Humber’s fortunes to new heights, a new era. It comes in the form of a 10.4m RIB designed and built to operate in the most demanding of sea states.

‘The Humber Offshore Hybrid is a truly exciting development for us,’  explains Andy Roffee, ‘one that we are very proud to present to the market – an outboard-powered craft of ultimate strength, equally suited to the most demanding of professional or offshore cruiser/exploration roles.

‘We have already started to take orders for this new model from several highly credible operators,’ Roffee confirms.

PBR plan to be testing the new Humber Hybrid off the North Sea east coast of England this January and will be pleased to bring you its findings. /

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