Aimed at the growing SUP board market, Bravo have launched a new high-powered 12V battery pump alongside their GE21-1 and GE20-2 battery pumps. The GE 25hp is a double-stage inflator for high-pressure applications (22.0psi / 450L/min) that switches automatically from turbine to double-compressor stage. Pressure control is monitored by a manometer, which automatically cuts out at the designated pressure.

Meanwhile, the Bravo GM 4 XS pump is a compact high-capacity (29psi) stirrup pump suitable for inflatables and high-pressure applications. The pump has a foldable handle and base, and inflate and deflate options, and is supplied with a built-in pressure gauge, hose and adaptors.

Finally, Euromeci have developed a cleaner specially designed for frequent cleaning of decks. It degreases and cleans without damaging rubber, plastic materials, glass fibre or stainless steel. The product will be offered in 1-litre bottles alongside other Euromeci inflatable cleaners and protectors marketed by IBS Boat Supplies.

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