OXE Marine have signed an agreement with Nimbus Group for the supply of engines. The agreement means that OXE Marine’s diesel-powered outboards are now an available option for Nimbus Group’s customers to power their boats. Until now, customers have only been able to choose diesel inboards.

Anders Berg, CEO of OXE Marine, remarked: ‘Nimbus Group are one of the Nordics’ leading boat manufacturers, and the fact that they have included our engines in their range is an acknowledgement of both our technology and our products.’

OXE Marine’s outboards have significantly lower fuel consumption than gasoline-powered outboards of equivalent horsepower, as a result of the diesel powerhead based on automotive technology. Jan-Erik Lindström, CEO of Nimbus Group, said: ‘It is crucial that Nimbus Group can offer our customers a broad range of boats and engines. We are pleased with the collaboration with OXE Marine because it means that we are broadening our range and giving customers the opportunity to choose diesel-powered outboard engines.’

www.oxemarine.com / nimbusgroup.se

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