MDL, the show organiser for the South Coast & Green Tech Show, has announced it’s having to create additional exhibition space in order to accommodate near overwhelming demand.

To be held at Ocean Village Marina, Southampton, between the 21st and 23rd of April 2023, the twin event will see a substantial uplift over the previous 2022 show, with more space being added ashore, as well as additional zones and extra features being created. With some 80 craft already booked into the event marina, a waiting list is now in operation. On the landside, 8 new spaces have just been added to cater for late entry exhibitor applications.  If you are a marine company who might be interested in taking one of the last few remining spaces, then you’re invited to make contact with MDL event organiser, Tim Mayer / 07483 918986 as soon as possible. Meanwhile,  full details of the show plan including the event marina are available at

South Coast & Green Tech Show exhibits

Premier Marinas - One hour to adventure
Wellcraft 38 T-Top Boot Dusseldorf

Yamaha Helm Master