Smartgyro’s stabilisation software now integrates with Garmin OneHelm, an advanced multifunction display boat-control system. The new relationship provides boat owners using Smartgyro gyroscopic stabilisation with the opportunity to experience the latest interactive capabilities at the helm via Garmin multifunction displays with OneHelm functionality.
Captains and crew can benefit from a full overview and easy control of their SG series gyro stabilisers. Options include the ability to monitor in real time the behaviour and boat-roll reduction performances of one or more SG units installed on board. Users can also switch from day mode to night mode, check for alarms and access a password-protected installer/service section through which they can run diagnostics and tests.
Carlo Gazerro, Smartgyro Sales Manager, said: ‘We recognise significant synergy between Garmin and Smartgyro as we unite in a mission to improve the on-board experience through advanced technology and innovative features.’
‘This enhanced integration brings our mutual customers added convenience and control in our effort to provide the best end-user experience on board,’ added Dan Bartel, Garmin Vice-President of Global Consumer Sales.