Wetwheels have announced news of its eighth boat in the fleet, Wetwheels Torbay, with Wetwheels Founder and Trustee Geoff Holt MBE DL revealing that the new boat will be launched in Devon in spring 2024, bringing the opportunity to access the open water to even more people with disabilities.

Wetwheels Torbay, with Wetwheels Founder and Trustee Geoff Holt MBE DL
Having already given more than 50,000 disabled people the opportunity to spend time on the water on board specially built, fully accessible powerboats, the charity is expanding to meet an increasing need and demand.
The new boat has been kindly supported by the Ashton family from Devon. Having grown up with the sea in his blood, James Ashton was diagnosed after taking early retirement with MND.
‘Today I need 24/7 care from two carers and am permanently attached to a ventilator to keep me breathing,’ commented James. ‘I can’t move any muscles and only communicate with an eye gaze computer, which has enabled me to write this. Thundercat is my own accessible boat, and in May 2021, a whole new chapter of boating opened up and it has exceeded all expectations. My desire was to leave a legacy so others, not ordinarily able to access the sea by boat through illness or disability, could enjoy the immense pleasure it brings. With the support of my wife, Joanna, and our two teenage boys, Sam and Monty, I decided to donate funds to enable a new build for Wetwheels from Cheetah Marine. With scrutiny and guidance from my former business colleague of 20 years and friend, Russell Smart, we achieved this goal.’