Introducing GoBag 2
Following the launch of the original GoBag in 2015 on crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, the team have now launched their new and improved GoBag 2.
The GoBag was conceived from personal experience of struggling to find a suitable bag to take as a carry-on on cheap flights across Europe. The new GoBag 2 is a fusion of travel bag design and dry-bag technology. The sturdy bag has a modular system powered by Velcro that allows the bag to be customised for each trip’s needs, and the built-in vacuum compression bag squeezes every bit of air out of soft gear such as clothing and towels to make more room for everything else.
The fully removable Max Pack dry bag stored within GoBag 2 is a welded bag made from TPU-coated nylon that can be compressed by hand to free up interior space. And the bag is built to last, with everything housed within a weather-resistant coated nylon fabric, while Hypalon is placed over areas of maximum wear, including the base.