The newly introduced Mercury Active Trim is the first GPS-based control system that delivers instant and effortless automatic trim. Designed to suit novice and experienced boaters alike, the Active Trim is an intuitive, hands-free system that continually adjusts engine trim based on changes in boat speed with a view to improving performance, fuel economy and ease of operation. Compatible with any new Mercury outboard 40hp and upwards, and MerCruiser sterndrive/inboard gas engines fitted with SmartCraft, the system is also available for retrofitting to existing engines.

Mercury MerCruiser’s new 6.2L, V8, 300hp and 350hp sterndrive engines, purpose-built for marine use, feature Adaptive Speed Control (ASC), which automatically maintains a set RPM point regardless of load or changes in conditions, such as tight turns and lower speeds on the plane. The 6.2L also has the option of Axius Joystick Piloting for sterndrives, designed to improve docking experience and manoeuvrability.

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