Powerboat & RIB Magazine is proud to announce an industry first! From Friday 25th September evening we launched “The Boating News Show” with Episode 1. The 30 minute weekly episode, aired on our YouTube channel and shared across our social platforms will give you a weekly dose off all things maritime news.

This show will give you all the updates of whats going on in the market place, news on newly launched products, discounts and offers available from industry leaders, mini reviews, interviews and so much more.

In addition, each episode will have a “Talking Topic” which the news items hang off. These will feature such topics such as

  • Getting started boating on a budget
  • Choosing the right propeller
  • Difference in hull designs
  • Wearing the right lifejacket and so on….

If you have an idea of a topic you would like to see, drop us a suggestion!

With the lack of international boat shows and availability to be able to get up close and personal with the stand exhibits, seeing first hand what’s new for each season and the developments in the industry, The Boating News Show will give you the best updates from across the marine world, keeping you up to speed with all the latest news and goings on.

We hope you enjoy the concept and support it to see it grow and evolve over the coming months. Please spread the news and see you on Fridays!

Join us on the PBRTV YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/powerboatandrib

Premier Marinas - One hour to adventure
Wellcraft 38 T-Top Boot Dusseldorf

Yamaha Helm Master