The Power and the Glory
Frankly, Velocity’s mode of travel over such troubled water was in a different league to almost everything I have encountered before.The hull was slicing through the waves rather than taking them on ‒ no bangs, creaks or buffeting on the
This Boating Life – Bilge diving & other jobs!
Bilge diving and sorting out some odd jobs – Alex Whittaker is living the dream … Once again, I am sleeping aboard. This time I am working through a few easy jobs. The first is to replenish the ship’s spirits
This Boating Life – Tales of Tagomago
Franz steered towards this non-biodegradable testament to our modern lifestyle and worrying hazard to marine wildlife. He methodically pulled all the pollution aboard with his boathook, and I helped pack it away in a sack and a large plastic bucket.
Ports of Call – Enticing Tenby
It certainly has bustle and crowds, but it was much more refined and polished than we had anticipated. It has mostly avoided brashness and the usual seaside tat. There is definitely an emerging ‘cafe society’ feel to the town, and