Winter Boating
It’s that time of year again when our thoughts turn towards dark winter nights and a few months away from boating. But it doesn’t need to be this way, according to Paul Glatzel … For me, the autumn and winter
What Apps should you use?
One of the questions we get asked most often is what apps do you use, what app do you recommend for weather or tides, what’s the best charting app? In this article we’ll take a run through what I and
Let’s Go Jet Ski
Paul Glatzel discusses the pros, and one or two con(cern)s, in tackling the high-adrenalin activity of jet skiing … This is Powerboat and RIB magazine, so why are we discussing jet skis, we hear you ask. Well, apart from the
Boating Abroad
With the onset of the new season and adventure planning firmly underway for many, Paul Glatzel focuses on some of the key things to remember when considering boating abroad … For the last couple of years, for most of us,
Safety First
Paul Glatzel stresses the importance of prioritising safety at sea … As a skipper you have a responsibility to ensure that everyone who comes boating with you is safe. You have to ask yourself what is practical and realistic to
Tutorials: Roughed Up
Paul Glatzel discusses some of the strategies that can/should be employed in difficult weather conditions … Knowing how to deal with rougher conditions is a key part of becoming a more experienced ‘advanced-level skipper’. In this article we’ll look at
Drive It Like A Pro
In the first of a series of three articles, Paul Glatzel offers advice on the intricacies of slow-speed handling … As the chillier winter days (hopefully) become a distant memory, so all of our thoughts turn to the spring and
A ‘Distress’-ing Time Afloat
Going afloat should all be focused on having fun, creating great memories and spending relaxing time with those you want to be with. However, very occasionally things go wrong, so knowing what to do is key, as Paul Glatzel explains
To winterise or not – that is the question!
As summer draws to a close, boaters everywhere are faced with the question of whether to keep their boat available for use or winterise it. Paul Glatzel looks at both options … When I first started boating, winters seemed a
Launching and Trailing Made Simple and Safe!
One of the great freedoms of having a small boat is the ability to trail it to new and interesting locations. With that freedom, though, comes some extra challenges, as Paul Glatzel explains. Having trailed and launched boats for over
Let’s Get Tied Up!
Paul Glatzel emphasises the importance of seamanship and focuses on various aspects of getting alongside and tying up. Seamanship is defined as the ‘skill, techniques or practice of handling a boat at sea or in a harbour/marina’ and forms part
Driving Faster and Keeping Safe
Whatever your engine set-up, pushing the throttle forward and accelerating over glassy seas always feels great. Paul Glatzel reports on the additional challenges and responsibility for the skipper that come with ‘going fast’. In this article we’ll look at the
Buying a Boat
Purchasing a boat can be a source of immense pleasure and lead to endless hours of waterborne rewards. But an unwise decision to buy can bring frustration and regret. Paul Glatzel provides some key advice … Every year I get
Man Overboard!
Wearing seat belts and installing smoke alarms are among the many things we do to improve safety while hoping we never need to use them in anger. Preparing and practising for a ‘man overboard’ is no different, as Paul Glatzel
Let’s Go Overseas
Boating in the UK is great and there are many wonderful places to see and explore, but taking your boat abroad can be an exciting adventure that the whole family will love, as Paul Glatzel opines… If you have a
It’s Getting Rough!
Planning on undertaking a passage in really bad weather is foolhardy, but developing your skills to be able to cope with more challenging conditions is a key part of enhancing your capability as a skipper, as Paul Glatzel explains …
Launch and Recover Like A Pro
Paul Glatzel ponders the issue of launch and recovery … One of the great advantages of having a smaller boat is the chance to keep it on a trailer and take it to different locations. With trailing comes the need
Save Them Like a Pro!
Paul Glatzel explains why, in the marine world, as with all things in life, prevention is most definitely better than cure … Carry a decent first-aid kit and include a few big and medium-sized dressings. We all hope that everything
Leave it Like a Pro!
Putting your boat alongside a pontoon, dock or jetty is one thing, but how do you make the coming away relaxing and simple? Like any boating manoeuvre, it’s down to forethought, planning and understanding the dynamics of what’s happening to
Berth it Like a Pro!
Putting a powerboat alongside a pontoon, dock wall or jetty can be a really stressful experience and can spoil a fun day on the water. Being good at it, though, is hugely satisfying and makes boating a whole lot more
Tow Them Like a Pro
Spend enough time on the water and it’s inevitable that you’ll either need a tow yourself or hear of someone else that needs some assistance. Paul Glatzel explains how to act safely and effectively … Like anything we do afloat,
Anchoring – Art or Science?
Paul Glatzel discusses the essential issue of anchoring your boat, and shares some important tips of the trade … Making the most of your boat is largely about being able to anchor in a secluded bay and chill out, read
Let’s use the Electronics!
Paul Glatzel discusses the pros and cons of some of the new electronic tools available to boaters … Having fun afloat comes in many forms. For some, it’s anchoring in a deserted bay; for others, it’s taking the kids for
Let’s Go Exploring
Paul Glatzel discusses some of the key points to consider when planning a boating excursion … Having fun afloat takes many forms. For some it’s a short hop from the marina or slipway to the local beach for a swim
The Coldest, Driest, Windiest Place on Earth
In today’s world there are very few places that remain remote and largely unvisited. Antarctica is one of those places, and Paul Glatzel reports on some of the amazing opportunities available to mariners who venture so far south. It